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Liam Carroll
Nov 19, 20194 min read
A Deal's a Deal, Make it a Good One
One day, not so long ago, somewhere between three and four decades, but who’s counting, I had the misfortune of accidentally sending the...

Liam J. Carroll
May 15, 20184 min read
Do You Believe the Universe Can Talk to You?
I was never big on the paranormal, more as a defence mechanism than a true disbelief. Sneaking a viewing of Poltergeist as a young’un led...

Liam Carroll
May 26, 20166 min read
One Fine Morning in Wave Paradise
The chooks are more dependable than clockwork in this outer realm of Indonesia, up bright and chirpy, cuckooing their way through the dawn.

Liam Carroll
Mar 26, 20163 min read
As Good A Place As Any To Say Goodbye
Peter always treasured the world that was going on around him. You’ll find these people along your way, kind souls who are stoked simply...
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